So… there is less than one day until FTTK Day. Here’s everything you need to know.

First, what does FTTK mean?
FTTK: Forever to Thee Kids.
This is the day Dance Marathon really taps into the Gamecock community to get as many people involved as possible before main event (*cough cough* March 2nd). This year, our goal is to have all USCDM heroes raise a collective $119,000 FTK in 24 hours!
For many people, this is their first experience with USCDM. Our veterans know the magic and magnetism that comes with Dance Marathon and they are thrilled to share that with our Carolina community.
Vice President of Campus Relations Lilli Marshall says, “Witnessing the magnitude and collaboration of USC collectively raising $119,000 in a single day is insane. This is something I hope each student at Carolina will want to take a part in because of the impact it has on our community.”

So what can you do to help reach this goal? Visit uscdm.org to sign up for main event. Post on social media to let everyone know you can be their avenue to raise money FTK! Visit some of USCDM’s Staff all over campus. They will be on Greene Street, at Thomas Cooper, Swearingen and Darla Moore. For fundraising resources, visit the Russell House Ballroom where you will find more USCDM Staff with Dance Marathon merchandise and tips to help you fundraise as much as possible for the kids.
Those are only a few ideas to get you rolling with fundraising on FTTK day. Remember to tag us on social media and let us know how you’re getting into the FTTK spirit!
Instagram: @uscdancemarathon
Twitter: @USCDM
Facebook: USC Dance Marathon